When My Daughter Stopped Eating Her Lunch at School
As the mother of three kids, I get up early every morning and prepare their lunch boxes. I make sure they have a small snack for recess...

10 Tips on How to Start Your Best Diet Ever (Make It Your Last!)
In order to have a successful diet, you need to plan ahead! When I say “plan ahead,” I don’t mean for the rest of your life, but at least...

When the Mediterranean Diet Meets the Californian Kitchen
I love to eat and cook when I have the time. I’m originally from Israel and was born in a kibbutz, surrounded by fresh foods all year...

Raising Healthy Eaters: Start with Healthy Recipes for the Whole Family
My kids are what I would consider “good eaters.” That being said, they are very different in their food preferences. For instance, my...

New Year’s Resolution: How to succeed at losing weight this time!!
According to studies, only 8% of people succeed in keeping their New Year’s resolution. This is a terrible success rate! The big question...

Top 10 Superfoods For Your Heart
The human heart is an amazing machine. Did you know that your heart beats more than 100,000 times a day??!! Each minute the heart pumps...

6 tips for introducing new (healthy) foods to your child
Many children have an initial negative reaction to trying new food. For some children, it is a process in which they need to feel safe...

My kid finish eating fast and ask to get up. What is the right time frame for a child meal?
Sitting around the table during a family meal is very important. Even when the child is eating fast and say he is not hungry any more,...

I have one overweight kid who needs to watch his food and one kid how is thin. Who to managed their
Health eating habits are for everyone at every age! Overweight kid and a thin kid need to eat healthy food as part of their daily menu,...

My kid is overweight and started a new diet, but I don’t see results! When should we see results?
When your kid is changing his eating habits in order to lose weight, you need to lower your expectation! As adults, we know that at the...