New Year’s Resolution: How to succeed at losing weight this time!!
According to studies, only 8% of people succeed in keeping their New Year’s resolution. This is a terrible success rate! The big question is how can you be one of the winners?
When I talk about losing weight as your New Year’s resolution, I’m not just talking about the way you choose to lose it. The more important question is how will you keep the weight off?
Many people look for the diet that will help them lose weight and feel more energetic the fastest. According to studies, only 5% of people who diet succeed in maintaining a lower weight over a long period of time. So, why do you diet if it’s not working for you?!
According to researchers from UCLA: “You can initially lose 5 to 10 percent of your weight on any number of diets, but then the weight comes back. We found that the majority of people regained all the weight, plus more. Sustained weight loss was found only in a small minority of participants, while complete weight regain was found in the majority. Diets do not lead to sustained weight loss or health benefits for the majority of people.”
And yet, people continue to diet…
As you probably know, people often prefer to avoid certain foods rather than eat them in moderation. Don’t make drastic, short-term changes in your diet! Don’t feel deprived! If you do this, you will end up eating a lot more to over-compensate.
The “secret” lies in the small changes you make to your everyday life. Over time, these changes help you lose weight as part of your lifestyle—without any drastic and unsustainable measures.
What are the 7 most effective tips for losing weight and maintaining it?
Do not skip breakfast! Jump-start your metabolism early, and you will burn more calories throughout the day. Give your body the energy and essential nutrients it needs to start the day. Studies recommend eating a protein-rich breakfast which helps you feel less hungry later in the day, especially in the evening when many people snack.
Make sure you drink plenty of water every day. Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day (50-70 oz. or 8-10 cups). Maintaining good hydration could reduce fatigue, which will improve your productivity at work, your mood and more. Many people don’t know how to identify if they are thirsty or hungry. Every time you feel hungry, drink a glass of water before you grab something to eat. Then ask yourself if you are still hungry or if you were simply thirsty. Set a goal for yourself: Drink at least 750 ml (25 oz.) by noon.
Eat whole grains & don’t peel your fruits/veggies (if possible). Whole grains, vegetables and fruits (including the peel) are rich in dietary fiber. When we eat more fiber, we raise our metabolism and burn more calories!
Want to eat less? Eat more slowly! When you eat quickly, you eat more! It takes 20 minutes from the time you start to eat for your brain to receive the signal that you are full. When you eat slowly, you will feel full after eating far less food.
Fill your plate only once. At the beginning of the meal, choose the foods you want the most. Fill the plate once with those foods, and don’t take seconds.
Eat on a smaller plate. You will eat less! We eat with our eyes! When the plate is not full, we feel compelled to take more. When eating from a smaller plate, we feel just as full after eating less food.
Look at your food while you eat! Avoid eating while watching TV, working on a computer, surfing the internet, talking on the phone, texting and reading. When you are not watching the food, your ability to determine when you are full is impaired, and you will eat more than you should. Set a goal: Concentrate on your food while eating.