Follow-Up Nutrition Consulting
Helping you to adjust the menu to your lifestyle, losing weight, exercise and more.
Follow-up session (30 min)- Adjusting your personal menu and eating habits to your lifestyle in the long-term. At the Follow-up sessions I’ll help you to find solutions for different obstacles you were dealing with, tracking your body changes and making sure you are heading in the right direction.
Follow-up packages
Follow-up session could be purchase one by one or as a package. A package of 4 follow-up sessions is a wonderful way to create a good foundation as a way to meet the changes in your daily menu and eating habits. The follow-up packages will also allow you to enjoy a discounted price.
2 types of packages:
Regular Package: 4 follow-up sessions, valid for 4 months.
Monthly Package: 4 follow-up sessions, valid for 1 month